Welcome to the INCoEPP 2021. The conference is organized by Universitas PGRI Palembang, Indonesia,  The theme of the conference is “Innovative, Collaborative, Planning Research to Face Digital Education Transformation”. Trough this conference we provide the forum for the researchers, scientists, education practitioners, and students to present and share their innovative ideas in education. The conference will be held in two terms, which first term will be held on 25th – 26th January 2021 & the second term on 27th  – 28th  January 2021 and will take place in Wyndham Hotel, Palembang Indonesia.


  • Education and Communication Technology
  • STEM Education
  • Teaching and Learning in Digital Era
  • Multi-Talent and Cross-Discipline Learning
  • Non Formal Education in Digital Era
  • Curriculum Development for Digital Era
  • Character Education
  • Lifelong Education
  • Psychology and Counselling Education
  • Environmental Education
  • Empowering Assessment and Evaluation based Technology
  • Educational Management In Digital Era
  • Educational Leadership In Digital Era

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Date December 28 th, 2020 – January 13 th, 2021
Full Paper Submission Deadline January 15th, 2021
Final Author Payment January 17th, 2021
Conference Dates January 25-28 th, 2021

Invited Speakers

the 1st  ICEPP will present the following invited speakers:

  1. Prof. Ir. Nizam, M.Sc, DIC, Ph.D (Merdeka Belajar, Kampus Merdeka, Director of Higher Education, Minister of Education and Culture, Indonesia)
  2. Prof. Yuliansyah, S.E, M.SA, Ph.D, Akt, CA (Head of LLDIKTI Region 2, Indonesia)
  3. Zulqurnain Sabir (PhD Mathematics in Progress, M.phil Mathematics and Researcher)
  4. Karren Fosdahl, B.S.R.A (Lingusitic Science, University of Arkansas, USA)
  5. Julie Simon Macariola (Leadership & Public Speaking Trainer, St. Roberts Global Education, Philippines)
  6. David D. Perrodin, Ph.D. Candidate (Applied Linguistics, Mahidol University, Thailand)
  7. Mani Ram Sharma, M.Ed (English Education, Mahendra Ratna Campus, Tahachal, Kathamandu, Nepal)
  8. Prof. Dr. Rachana Saxena, Ph.D (Jain University Bangaluru, India)
  9. Dr. Muhammad Kristiawan, M.Pd (Science of Education, Universitas Bengkulu, Indonesia)
  10. Dr. M. V. Reddy (Centre of Excellence in Transportation Electrification and Energy Storage,
    Institute of Research Hydro-Québec, Canada)

Call for Paper

We invite the researchers from all around the world to present their latest finding on Innovation in Education at our conference.  Each full paper must be written in English and 6 pages in length. Full paper must be submitted before January 13, 2021. Late full paper submission will not be considered.  The full paper uses the IEEE format as can be found in the following link.  Paper Template  download

Full papers that have been accepted can pay for the conference fee. The committee will review the full paper before submitting to the publisher.

Selected papers will be published at Atlantis Press. an indexed proceedings. All articles get a digital object identifier (DOI).


Dr. Mulyadi, MA. (+62 853 7815 7957)

Muhammad Juliansyah P, S.IP, M.SI. (+62 813 6707 7775)

Eni Heldayani, M.Sc. (+62 852 1600 1000)

Website: https://incoepp.univpgri-palembang.ac.id/
Email: incoepp@univpgri-palembang.ac.id